Bathing, Blow Drying & Styling the Cats

Course Dates

This comprehensive cat grooming demonstration, seminar, and workshop will greatly enhance your skills and knowledge, providing you with a thorough understanding of cat grooming methods and handling techniques. We will showcase our unique and effective grooming methods, ensuring a perfect groom every time. Gain insights into the top-quality equipment, tools, and products currently available in the market, and conclude the session with scissor work and valuable customer advice.

This enjoyable and relaxed workshop is specifically designed for professionals and individuals interested in mastering efficient cat brushing techniques. It is ideal for those seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in bathing, blow drying methods, and various feline styles. Discover the finest cat shampoos, sprays, and finishing products currently offered in the market.

Valentina Morozova

Valentina Morozova

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Valentina MorozovaI feel words may fail to truly explain my gratitude for the life changing experience I had when I recently attended the “Bathing, blow drying and styling cats” cat grooming workshop at Pet Universe hosted by Svetlana.

Thank you for the opportunity to do the course as it fulfilled all my expectations.